ivey school of business中文什么意思

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  1. Speech by the secretary for constitutional affairs , mr michael suen , at a luncheon orgainsed by the hong kong economic and trade office in association with the asian business consortium of the university of toronto york university queen s university richard ivey school of business in toronto on may 24 , 2000
  2. Speech by the secretary for constitutional affairs , mr michael suen , at a luncheon orgainsed by the hong kong economic and trade office in association with the asian business consortium of the university of toronto york university queen s university richard ivey school of business in toronto on may 24 , 2000
    署理工商局局长蔡莹璧在立法会会议上就2 O O O O 1财政预算案辩论的致辞全文(四月五日)工商局局长周德熙在中小型企业日2 0 0 0开幕礼上的演辞(三月二十七日)


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